The work of maintaining the Lighthouse continues with the help of dedicated Volunteers and active Members.
There are many ways you can lend your time and support. You may even have specialized skills which could benefit the Lighthouse. Please let us know!
Trail Steward
On the first Saturday of each month from May to September, a group of volunteers meet to care for the nature trail. Tasks generally include raking, trimming, planting, and cleaning.
On summer Sundays, the Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy relies on volunteer guides to lead public tours of the Lighthouse interior. Training is provided, including key points in history.
Other Roles
Do you have a special skill or expertise you can share? Carpentry, architectural restoration, law, grant writing, videography, and arboriculture are areas in which we have reoccurring needs.
Please reach out to volunteer with the Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy!