
Now accepting reservations through December 2025. Completely booked May-October except for cancellations. Bookings for winter 2026 (January-March) will open in June with priority bookings for members starting on June 11th and followed by the general public on June 25th.

Two-room Minimum

Because of the close proximity of guest rooms and the shared bathroom, both rooms are booked together. The Lighthouse guests rooms are not booked separately.

Advance Booking

As a courtesy to our loyal supporters, returning guests have the option of booking ahead for their next stay, so most weekend dates from May through October are usually booked in advance.

Cancellation Notification

The Bed & Breakfast is often booked up months in advance, but occasionally a room opens up due to cancellation. Notifications about vacancies are emailed to Members of the Saugerties Lighthouse Conservancy. To get announcements about future bookings and vacancies via email, please visit the Membership page learn more about how to join as a member of the Conservancy. For information on how to make a reservation, please refer to the Rates and Policies page.

Call to reserve

+1 (845) 247-0656